Sunday, April 6, 2008

Match It For Pratchett

People ask me why I announced that I had Alzheimer’s. My
response was: why shouldn’t I? I remember when people died "of
a long illness" now we call cancer by its name, and as every
wizard knows, once you have a thing's real name you have the first
step to its taming. We are at war with cancer, and we use that
vocabulary. We battle, we are brave, we survive. And we have a
large armaments industry.
Terry Pratchett, in his speech to the Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Network conference, March 13, 2008
Read the rest of his speech.

Visit Match It For for more information about Pratchett's $1 million (£500,000) donation to Alzheimer's research, and his fans' commitment to matching that donation.

Match It For Pratchett is a grass roots campaign raising money for the Alzheimer's Research Trust in the UK and other Alzheimer's charities around the world. --Chris Tregenza of MI4P

As the granddaughter of a man who died in the grips of Alzheimer's disease, I ask you to donate something, if not to MI4P, then directly to the Alzheimer's fund of your choice. If everyone gave just a little, it would add up to an awful lot very quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor man. :( I <3 him no matter what. It's a sad disease no matter who gets it, but I feel like I know him somehow.