Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Final Stretch

The race for the Democratic nomination is rounding the last bend tonight, or it should be, as the last primaries are being held today. Barack Obama will be speaking in St. Paul tonight, and my Mister and I will be trying to get one of the 18,000+ seats at the event.

Meanwhile, according to NPR in their article, Clinton Denies Plans to Concede Race to Obama (NPR.org, June 3, 2008):
Clinton said Monday that Obama could get a majority of the delegates now at stake. But as for the total number of delegates needed to win the nomination, the Clinton campaign refuses to concede that 2,118 is the "magic" number.
And in the same article:
The Clinton campaign maintains that she is ahead in the popular vote. This is only true if the disputed Michigan numbers (where Obama was not on the ballot) are counted — and if four caucus states won by Obama are not counted.
I live in one of the caucus states that Obama won. I participated in the Minnesota primary caucus, which was run, as far as I know, fully within the rules of the Democratic National Committee and the Minnesota DFL party.

Hillary Clinton either a) lives in a parallel universe b) her math skills are worse than my own, or c) she's trying to pull a fast one on the US public out of a selfish hunger for power that has driven her to keep draining Obama's campaign of the resources it should be saving up for the run against McCain, rather than admitting she's lost fair and square.

That "fair and square" bit being debatable, since she had no business demanding (or receiving IMHO) delegates from two states that didn't hold their elections according to the agreed upon rules that the rest of the states observed.

First she said all that mattered were the delegates. Then she said it was the popular vote that really matters. Along the line she retconned her role as First Lady regarding the level of her influence in creating international policy and her composure under ( imagined ) sniper fire. Now she wants to fabricate a win in the popular vote using Rove-esque math, and keep dragging us through the divisive mire of further appeals of the delegate allocation process.

Let it go, Hillary. Let us move forward with time still left to patch our party back together so we can face the Republican Party in the coming months as a re-united party, rather than a squabbling pack of ill-mannered children.

Who's side are you on anyway, Hillary?

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