Sunday, December 30, 2007

Playing WoW with my Mister

Winter Veil in Orgrimmar
Originally uploaded by Pockafwye
Spent a bunch of time this weekend playing World of Warcraft with my Honey.

I've been playing on the laptop with my puffy foot up on the couch, and having it elevated a bunch has brought the ankle down to normal size. The rowing machine also seems to be good for it, as it gets my circulation going without having the foot lower than the rest of the leg.

Haven't done anything particularly productive over the last two days, except providing a lot of loves to the kitties.

I was really tired on Friday, so my Honey decided to let me sleep in yesterday, figuring he'd just let me wake up on my own. When I was still sound asleep at 11:30 AM he gave up on that plan and came up to wake me, as it seemed likely that 13 and a half hours was probably more than enough. Goodness knows how long I would have slept.

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